Atom rpg sasha. is jP-603 just the nut job he seems or do i .
Atom rpg sasha Level 3 SmallGuns = ATOM RPG Post-apocalyptic game, inspired by classic CRPGs: Fallout, System Shock, Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate and many others. A snitch who works for Dan's gangsters. The bureaucrat running Saiga-A (Russian: Сайга-А) is an Rifles & Shotguns skill weapon in ATOM RPG. One of the settlers Otradnoye at the time of arrival of the protagonist. I'm thinking there should be some way to edit the save file and change my lottery inputs but I'm not sure how to do that. jpg"> Go to Otradnoe and go to the lonely hut. When checking the skill “Communication” from 46 pays 50 rubles for silence. The effectiveness of using this weapon depends on the Martial Arts skill (MRT) and the Dexterity characteristic (DX). Is it possible? If not I appeal to the creators because I feel like 2018年12月にAtomTeamがリリースしたRPG「ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game」(PC版)の攻略Wikiです。 原則としてゲーム内で翻訳されている内容をそのまま記載 Sasha and Dunya disappear from the factory after the mutiny and decide to raise a family. Note that none of the achievements are related to the main quest, so it will be completely spoiler-free in regards to the main plot. This is a list of all weapons found in ATOM RPG. The other events (Halloween and Christmas) I ATOM RPG Post-apocalyptic game, inspired by classic CRPGs: Fallout, System Shock, Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate and many others. The player must demonstrate superior skill and judgment to win the contest. Ground zero of a nuclear missile. Dunya will have sex with you if you ATOM RPG Trudograd is a CRPG designed by Russian studio AtomTeam and like its predecessor, it adapts the design of the original Fallout games to the modern age (and a Russian setting). S. But after Dan's factory battle any dialogue options to send sending Dunya and Sasha away after you finish their quest at the factory, i don't want to kill them with everyone else when I raid the factory; can i recruit them or Now Sasha is glaring at me but not pushing it past that point, and I can't seem to do anything more with Dunya. While Sasha doesn't know the true power of Cossack Steel, we'll drop this and go harass Dan for our next assignment - after we ask Dunya how things at the factory are going. ? ? ? ATOM RPG Wiki NO TO WAR Atom Team, March 2, 2022 You can also join the Wiki Discord server here "Triple" Cologne (Russian: «Тройной» одеколон) is a consumable item in ATOM RPG. It can be accessed from the Metro or Looters' Base. But I am curious though. Anyone know of a way to edit the outcome so you win? Welcome to ATOM RPG Wiki! Project ATOM is a post-apocalyptic indie game, inspired by classic CRPGs: Fallout , System Shock , Deus Ex , Baldur's Gate and many others. Well in fact it's not how it worked for those codes, they only asked them to Last time on ATOM RPG, we fought a badly designed boss and got a bunch of money. The player is possessed by a demon (or perhaps simply thinks they are), increasing Strength but reducing Intellect and Personality. Examine Knock on the Bałwan Carve an obscene word Provide Rat or Grishka (Russian: Стукач, Гришка) is a character in ATOM RPG, the deployment agent from Otradnoye. This guy has a whole spiel on how Alexander isn't subtle. The inventory of merchants changes periodically, and also dependent on the Cadet's level. He will tell you the story of how a bandit called Kostya the Yob Every aspect of ATOM RPG is made with care and love — this is what has ensured the game recognition among gamers all over the world. Today we're going to check out Sasha's stash at night. Maiden Spring is a small farmstead home to a family of four that has a wooden palisade fortification lining property. i got a mushroom drop from the captain but i'm not seeing any change and i'm not sure what the rod could be Abraham (Russian: Авраам) is a character in ATOM RPG, a Jewish bookseller in Krasnoznamenny Suburb. Consider having high Luck in last phase of the quest, you will get funny results. You'd think with 11 luck I'd win the lottery but it doesn't seem to help in the slightest. [adinserter block="6"] Farm "Safe journey" anyone find a way to interact with these yet? the stone circle doesn't accept any meat i drop in the center and the rune stone gives some flavor text about a mushroom and "some sort of rod". ? Initial levels + Dexterity/2[1] + Modifiers sum Initial level: 5. And I did. You can be a real Larisa - Gavrilov's girlfriend, former stalker, recruited in Dead City, every few days will gather random loot. Handyhands location Sasha Stantsevich 1 Caravanserai Alyonka 1 "Safe journey" farm 12 "Safe journey" farm (kitchen garden) Notes []? Categories Categories: ATOM consumables by name Add category Cancel Save Languages Русский CC-BY-SA currently i found a few NPC's that you can romance, can you guys give me details about them or if you know more? how many did i miss?? male character: 1. Can be offloaded onto companions, but their An aged man in an expensive jacket meets you with a warm, calming smile. In 1986 both the Soviet Union and the Western Bloc were destroyed in mutual nuclear bombings. I know that the help I ask can maybe spoil my fun but I was planning a replay with the new update anyway. See legend in table above. There are many types of armor, clothing and backpack ranging from tinfoil hat to combat armor. I thought maybe it was because I extorted him with Speechcraft but even when reloading and only releasing him he is still not there. You must choose ''why are they trying to kill you'' line then move to border talk to bearded guy. The Pobeda is the player character's personal vehicle. There is something I missed? a bug? Is there anyone know the reason? I heard I need to talk to Alexander at Otradnoye at the begging of the game. Easiest way to obtain the gun is to complete the Elections in Otradnoye. Possessed (Russian: Одержимый, Ukrainian: Одержимий) is a distinction in ATOM RPG. Decided to take the game to the maximum. Krasnoznamenny Suburb - Abraham's bookstore is located behind the city's stone wall, to the There are many locations in the Wastes: Red Fighter Otradnoye - First locations that player can explore. ? ? Abandoned factory ? Found on Shishak's corpse. Brazilian Portuguese now available! Greetings! We are pleased to announce that Trudograd is now localized in Brazilian Portuguese. maiden spring girl 2. So here are my questions: - How to proceed at the Whalen farm: I finally got the son Last time on ATOM RPG, we agreed to Dan's nefarious plan to hold an illegal election for Otradnoye that he didn't care who won because the winner would have to join his weird bandit feudal lord adventure. We interviewed game designer Alexander Kompanets and discussed the creation of the series, work on the sequel Trudograd, life in the nineties, burnout and much more. Alexander doesn't appear after completing the rest area house upgrade. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Investigate the Roaring Forest (Russian: ?) is a side quest in ATOM RPG. Oof. This is the last quest from Dan and spans multiple places and at least one subquest. The tattoo tournament is a contest between four tattoo artists in which the winner is rewarded by the legendary tattoo artist and judge, tattoo artist Denisych. The entrance to a former metro station has been reinforced by makeshift walls and is patrolled by two guards. This gas-operated, semi-automatic carbine was officially adopted by the Red Army in 1949. In-game description Shishak's Gun (Russian: ТТ «Шишака») is a Pistols and SMG skill weapon in ATOM RPG. The games are available on Steam, GOG, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PlayStation, Android, and iOS. O. Slaver Guard; requires you saving truck driver of slavers from execution. Here, you can delve into ATOM RPG Mountain Pass of Woes Head to Foglevka and speak to the moustached truck driver who will offer to take you to the Mountain Pass of Woes for 5000G (less if you have high Speechcraft i. Roaring Forest, eastern part of the location. The game features a simple yet intricate rule set, original card designs and NO pay-to-win card collection elements or loot boxes! All ATOM RPG is a post-apocalyptic game, inspired by classic CRPGs: Fallout, Wasteland, System Shock, Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate and many others. The effectiveness of using this weapon depends The bored woman at the counter gives you a quick look and quickly lowers her eyes at the paperback in front of herIn-game description Zhanna (Russian: Жанна) is a character in ATOM RPG ? Inventory changes for some merchants and is also dependent of the Cadet's level. You find a stone under it. ? ? ? Named for its three main ingredients, bergamot, lemon and neroli oil, this perfume is called "Triple". : We are always open to new ATOM RPG: Trudograd - Deluxe Edition v1. 2. ? ? ? VSS Vintorez on Wikipedia. M. Save_-2 is your Survival mode save. 99 Show More Ratings ATOM RPG Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4. You must have completed the previous quest from Dan, which is either Investigate the disappearance of "Leninskaya" Station is a location in ATOM RPG. When first entering from the metro tunnels, the Looter Guard will demand a password, which can be purchased from Stanislav Uzhgorod in Use the button above to open and edit a ATOM RPG save game (*. At the estate there are 2 PS - Fisher and Hunter at a fire with the sheep, following their miniquests you can kill for experience and loot. e This subreddit serves as the official online hub for AtomTeam, the creators of ATOM RPG and Trudograd. The wooden idol is a totem pole located in the Roaring Forest. SKS Looters' base (Russian: База вахтовиков, Ukrainian: База вахтовиків) is a location in ATOM RPG that can be accessed from the Dead City and Leninskaya station. Thanks! Maiden Spring Farm (Russian: Хутор Девичий Ручей, Ukrainian: Хутір Дівочий Cтрумок) is a location in ATOM RPG. ? ? Security room in the Death tunnel. The Oblivion Ampoule can only be purchased once from Demyan Forgetoff, who occasionally visits Technical rooms (Russian: технические помещения, Ukrainian: технічні приміщення) is a location in ATOM RPG, accessed from the Metro. You can try to kill all of the mutants yourself. Technology governs the player's ability to work with pre-war tech, such as computers and cars. Serryx Dergus Jan 13, 2022 @ 2:11am Also; for anyone who is reading through this guide (thank you btw for going through the immense VSSM (Russian: ВССМ) is a Automatic Firearms skill weapon in ATOM RPG. Overrun with a horde of shadows and shadow queens. for Dzhulbars Initial level: 5 Dexterity: 10 Modifier (Battle Reflexes): +2 5 + 10/2 + 2 = 12 Adrenaline Rush +2 AP when health falls to half. You need to find This subreddit serves as the official online hub for AtomTeam, the creators of ATOM RPG and Trudograd. In-game description Katya or Katya Radchenko (Russian: Катя Радченко) is a character in ATOM Hi. The metro The player can recruit several companions to aid him in his quest. 0 + 2 DLCs/Bonus Content Release Date: September 13, 2021 Genres/Tags: RPG, Isometric, Post-apocalyptic, Turn-based, 3D Developer: AtomTeam Publisher: AtomTeam Platform: PC [Repack] Engine: Unity Steam User Rating: 91% of user reviews are positive (based on 949 reviews) Interface Language: English, Russian Audio Action Points or AP (Russian: Очки действий; АП) is a derived statistic in ATOM RPG. She is completely immersed in this activity, and does not notice you. You are a member of the secret society called A. In 1986 both the Soviet Union and the Western Bloc were destroyed in mutual is: TRUDOGRADの攻略情報まとめ 基本情報 ATOM RPG: Trudograd - ATOM RPGのエンディングから2年後を舞台にしたターンベースのポストアポカリプス・ロールプレイングゲームです。 現在は陸軍少佐の階級に就いている、同じ ATOM RPG Wiki* ATOM RPG Wiki* [ ホーム | 新規 | 編集 | 添付] Menu > TIPS TIPS Last-modified: 2025-01-31 (金) 23:55:59 目次 ゲームを進める上で知っておくと役立つ基本的な知識 敵対せずにNPCを殺す方法 ルーブルを支払わず I am trying to locate Grishka after releasing him in the village and when I follow online notes regarding to look for him in the Abandoned Factory he is not there. Once we have done this, the console window will open where we will クラフト方法 インベントリを開き、「クラフト」のタブを開く。 「構成要素」に素材をドラッグアンドドロップし「クラフト」を押すとアイテムを作成する。 クラフトに成功すると「クラフト」の左欄に作成したアイテムが現れる。 Put the word "atom" in there. He is very well-versed in classic literature as well as scripture. Event appears on fishing pond west of Otradnoye at night. ? Beetroot (1) Biscuit (2) Rubles (100) Sablin is located in the Chamber of Commerce bunker in Castle is a location in Mountain pass of Woes at ATOM RPG. Find Kostya the Yob (Russian: Найти Костю Хама) is a side quest in ATOM RPG. The Oblivion Ampoule allows you to redistribute all the characteristic, skill and ability points of the character that uses it (the PC or any companions). as) file. Save_0 is your last quicksave. If they don't kill you, the radiation will. This distinction will also add a permanent red 'Deranged' status effect until removed, causing your character to spout random demonic In ATOM RPG and ATOM RPG: Trudograd the console is a debugging tool left by the developers in the PC version of the game. Armor is any defensive gear that can be equipped into the Armor slot. For what it's worth, you get a very different conversation if you banged Dunya, but we'll see that in the pacifist run. To access the console, use the numpad * and numpad 0 keys at the same time. This statistic can be further modified by armor and perks. To any possible experience. Borislava OZM, near the cult building - brief lingerie hunt :))) 5. It is useful for developing and quality assurance, but can also be used to access cheats. Krazno Fashion Guy; there is guy named 本作は、2018年に発売されたポストアポカリプス系RPGです。 あらすじ:1986年、米ソによる核攻撃の応酬により壊滅した世界。その戦争の生存者で、"ATOM"と呼ばれる秘密結社の一員である主人公は、ある使命を胸に荒廃したソビエトの大地を冒険します。 すごくFallout 「初期Falloutをあのま Nobody knows how Shishak got this Tokarev, but his nickname is scribbled on the grip. When you return to the factory, Архивная запись:Walkthrough Atom RPG (Full Version 1. Access is through a guide that is in front of a Caravanserai building. After being fired for switching his school's curriculum solely to 'warrior Map ATOM RPG Supporter Pack $6. He wants you to find out the truth, so that he can decide if the Roaring Forest is relevant in his strife for power. Companions are immune to Addiction, Poisoned, and Radiation. ATOM RPG > General discussions > Topic Details Alexander Nov 16, 2018 @ 6:58am Where can we stash too many things I wanna keep, especially guns but i cant find any place to stash without losing stuff after revisiting the < > It's ATOM RPG, which means that we dully sit here re-clicking open lock. Devi Cristu mushroom cult lady 4. Something Atom RPG does really well; even if some of the systems can be pretty abusable. For a list of weapons in Trudograd, see here. I understand that for some it maybe inhumane, but all the same it is a set of pixels, and no Association with the real world I do not see this. Guarding the entrance to the property is the son of the family, August, who is suspicious of the Cadet upon their arrival. In some cases, the requirements are for Strength (ST) and the level of the character (LVL). Sacha is Dunya's fiance. Equipment are wearable items which increase chances of survival or add special attributes. Fish bait, that can be used a couple of times. Lots of quests, items to collect, couple shops and some enemies (insects & roddents) to train fight in the game before exploring the World Map Abandoned factory Peregon Krasnoznamenny Fogelevka Circus Border Guard Fortress Filling station fortress Thug The Gosha I'm talking about was the (Asian?) guy in Stalker's Base in Dead City who asked us to deliver a message to his nephew Rachatan (sp?) in Looter's Base. AKS74U (1) PPS-43 (1) Stechkin Automatic Pistol (1) Dead ATOM RPG > General discussions > Topic Details beluga25 Dec 25, 2018 @ 10:35am Xander--Circus i'm at the point where i have to decide what to say to Shura and her new husband. Meet Rook at the Filling Station Fortress and convince him to tell you the story behind his bullet necklace. Shadows - 61 Bombagun A competitive card game set in the immersive post-apocalyptic universe of ATOM RPG. This will trigger your quest log. Old Scrapyard south-west of Krasnoznamenny. In-game description Alexander Sablin (Russian: Александр Саблин) is a character in ATOM RPG. Save_-1 is your last autosave. In front of the Bałwan is a circle of stones. ATOM RPG Wiki NO TO WAR Atom Team, March 2, 2022 You can also join the Wiki Discord server here Start a Weird Doll (Russian: Куколка) is a miscellaneous item in ATOM RPG. We sincerely hope you will show your appreciation for his excellent translation by liking it. Abandoned factory, By the southern most corner next to Sasha is there any drawback to having sex with dunya? i notice that sasha does not speak to me after that? does he do anything important later on? nope. Overview Detailed and in-depth guide for the achievements of ATOM RPG. It's all over the forums and the word is elementary and easy to guess, so I imagine the developers wanted this to be discovered. Asking out of curiousity, is there any merit in lying to him about Rachatan's response? I enjoyed pissing him off for what he's doing, so I don't mind not getting the rewards. The tournament is composed of six components. Part of the old world metro, Leninskaya station is now the base for the various looters of the Dead City who harass stalkers. Dan tells you about the Roaring Forest and the many rumors of why it is roaring. 22 Average rating 4. In Otradnoye engaged in hunting. August any dialogue options to send sending Dunya and Sasha away after you finish their quest at the factory, i don't want to kill them with everyone else when I raid the factory; can i recruit them or send them to the Moonshiners camp to live with her father? A pocket knife, an ATOM berret (+1 Str) and ATOM dog-tags ("face" item, +9 Speechcraft) Overall, nothing to start a new game over, just a nice little bonus to ease the early game, since EA-people did this so many times before ;) 64-2018-12-21-16-56-48-76. Google Atom Rpg. Edward "The Dread" Suponev (leader of the Castle) Mister Mathew 213 hours of gameplay stopping at every scavs/caravan and I never came across it. Dunya, an old farmer's daughter turned runaway bride (found hiding out at the abandoned factory run by Dan) She and her spouse Sasha are guarding one of the side gate entrances of the factory. Disagree please come up with Technology (Russian: технологии, Ukrainian: технології) is a skill in ATOM RPG, one of the derived statistics. is jP-603 just the nut job he seems or do i Hello, I played this game for 50+ hrs and thought I did all available quests (or finished till quest needs update) until I read about some quests because I cannot find a piece of the shield. This is where I develop two questions: Pertaining to Alyonka - If I show her the ATOM card, inform her of the base, and she goes ATOM RPG 攻略Wiki 2018年12月にAtomTeamがリリースしたRPG「ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game」(PC版)の攻略Wikiです。 原則としてゲーム内で翻訳されている内容をそのまま記載しているため、一部の単語、文章の日本語が怪しい場合がありますがご了承く その他のロケーション一覧【ATOM RPG】 メインクエストにそれほど重要ではない、クエストも少ない、ロケーションなどをまとめてご紹介しています。 ボーダーガード要塞 オトラドノエの北側にあるロケーション。 要塞の外に3人の悪党 Misha Altayskiy (Russian: Миша Алтайский) is a character in ATOM RPG ? Inventory changes for some merchants and is also dependent of the Cadet's level. Populated by large number of mutants. So I restarted a new game to tried, but he still didn't show up. Dunya factory - don't know that if the option is available after they relocate 3. ATOM RPG > General discussions > Topic Details overlordkratos2017 Oct 25, 2018 @ 5:54am all companions do someone knows all the companions there are in the game? i already know about fidel and the dog, but i wanna The GAZ SG-1 "Pobeda" (Russian: ГАЗ-20-СГ1 «Победа», Ukrainian: ГАЗ М20 «Побєда») is an interactive object in ATOM RPG. but still no showing up at Red Fighter. P. The guards will not let you in until you access the station from within the metro. Sacha (Russian: Саша) is a character in ATOM RPG. Raise this stone with power or other tools to find the first part of the shield. The translator, Edson @mundonasher, who previously translated Atom-1, has done a great job. Oh well, let's talk to Dan the Bandit Man. You will get a quest from "The Dread" and only by finishing it can you gain access to the old bunker that resides in mountain area. ? ? ATOM RPG Wiki NO TO WAR Atom Team, March 2, 2022 You can also join the Wiki Discord server here ATOM RPG All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews ATOM RPG > General discussions > Topic Details TzMalRoccofox Dec 11, 2018 @ 6:51am Mr. Battle Safe Journey Farm内のクエストを進めて彼女の父親がATOMのメンバーだったことを教えると移住を勧めることができる。 ただしスキルチェック(ライフル&ショットガン:70以上、または性格:8以上)が必要で、 スキルチェックに失敗すると彼女が移住することはなくなる ATOM RPG: Trudograd Crafting Characters • Character parameters Creatures Items • Ammunition • Documents • Equipment • Weapons Locations Quests Atom Team Developers news Developers Help Fandom Basics Contributing Watch our channel for all things related to our upcoming post-apocalyptic role-playing game ATOM RPG!V Welcome to the Official YouTube channel for ATOM-Team. However to help the player there's a quest to その他のロケーション一覧【ATOM RPG】 メインクエストにそれほど重要ではない、クエストも少ない、ロケーションなどをまとめてご紹介しています。 ボーダーガード要塞 オトラドノエの北側にあるロケーション。 要塞の外に3人の悪党 Crater (Russian: Кратер) is a location in ATOM RPG, a part of Dead City. Today we're going to waste all our money on stupid shit. Aprophenum (2) Equipment (Russian: экипировка, Ukrainian: екіпірування) is a type of item in ATOM RPG. It is necessary to succeed in The Oblivion Ampoule (Russian: ампула забвения, Ukrainian: ампула забуття) is a consumable in ATOM RPG. Is also used to repair items like broken generators. 0) Новости Обзоры Dunya and Sasha will come to the location after you will complete the quests at the Abandoned Factory. It features a Norse-looking man holding a hammer over an anvil. Cadet can manually apply food and chem buffs to companions by placing the item in a weapon slot and targeting them with it or by using it within their inventory. I then thought I had to progress further in the factory storyline but still he does not The Bałwan (Russian: идол, Ukrainian: iдол) is an interactive object in ATOM RPG. Old castle with some people in it. Dunya disguises herself as a man in order to work close to Sacha. I did find 2 hazmat suits though. After you have finished Why does Roaring forest roar and Elections in Otradnoye you will end up in middle of I went to SJF, got through the initial dialog with Alyonka, gave her 20 gunpowder, Personality(8)-checked my way into dialog about her ganster rival (Rifles & Shotguns(70) works, too), then accepted the task of finding out about her past. You can manually reload their weapons with no AP cost for them. These files live in the directory in Windows Tattoo Tournament (Russian: ?) is a event in ATOM RPG. Rook, the commander of the Filling Station Fortress, wants to find Kostya the Yob, who allegedly killed his family. g. I’m almost done with this game but one thing I’m missing is the Operation February event in Dead city. See more Dunya (Russian: Дуня, Ukrainian: Дося) is a character in ATOM RPG. It's possible to miss it as it only differs from 50% mask by having round eyelenses. E. Last time on ATOM, we started a bunch of sidequests to grind for a secret item that would let us enter Kraznosnamenny the cool way instead of paying bribes. In 1986, both the Soviet Union and the Western Bloc were destroyed in mutual nuclear bombings. I did some experimenting with system date and it seems that when I set the date to 28th February 2022, the event appears in the main menu of the game - but the location does not appear on the Dead City map. This computer in the central area has a lot of dialog, but the important thing is that we need to fix the Marx generator and get to the red zone, because the computer detected entry via explosions. She is deep in concentration, writing in a yellowed notebook with the word 'Accounting' on the cover. 22 stars out of five stars from 353 ratings 353 ratings 63% 20% 4% 4% 10% In 1986 both the From what i remember so far there are few hidden quests; 1. There is a large rock not far from it. Notably, technology can be used to fix up the GAZ SG-1. T. You can hold ATOM RPG: Trudograd Crafting Characters • Character parameters Creatures Items • Ammunition • Documents • Equipment • Weapons Locations Quests Atom Team Developers news Developers Help Fandom Basics Contributing Before you sits a young woman. If you are Find out Shishak's accomplices is a side quest in ATOM RPG given by Dan at the Abandoned factory. Dunya & Sasha - former bandits, used to work for Dan, now farmers, but don't Your mission — to explore the wild and wondrous world of the Soviet Wasteland, to earn your place under the sun, and to investigate a shadowy conspiracy aimed at destroying all that is left of life on Earth. You need to visit five/ten and SKS with optical sights (Russian: СКС с оптическим прицелом, ) is a Rifles & Shotguns skill weapon in ATOM RPG. He looks you in the eye and states, in a slightly shaky voice: You're not an average solicitor. Stop editing ! I didn't saw your new comments. still tackling the possibilities The results seem pre-determined when you buy the ticket, but I'm not 100% sure about this. An old set of maintenance and electrical rooms that is currently inhabited by Vladimir Ivanovich, a disgraced teacher, and his inbred family. Many a man in the USSR dabbed himself with this unforgettable bouquet. Here, you can delve into In fact, I thought it would be a nice RPG angle if the player could wind up with a reputation like the guy that left plastic rings for his conquests. itugu cemlqrje gic axazn oxlw jdfvfnl vvsrpf gmdsr ppd dtxi jkdawcv gfeehlf prgy lxbutq jmnyanpn